M.B., Ch.B. (University of Pretoria) FCS (SA) ORL (University of Cape Town) LMCC (Canada)
Ear-, Nose- and Throat Specialist
Graduating from the University of Pretoria with a
M.B., Ch.B. Dr Troost gained experience in orthopaedic surgery, general surgery and plastic surgery at Groote Schuur Academic hospital in Cape Town, South Africa before spreading his wings.
He obtained the LMCC registration examination in Canada and registered as a medical practitioner in Canada where he worked in British Columbia for two years. He also qualified to register with the British Medical Council and worked at a private surgical hospital in London.
Dr Troost’s adventurous spirit took him to the Comore Islands in the Indian Ocean where he spent some time looking after the President’s Gaurd.
Further training followed in trauma management and resuscitation and intensive care at Tygerberg Academic hospital. Choosing to specialize in the “Head and Neck” region Dr Troost underwent further training as a registrar in the ENT department at Groote Schuur hospital obtaining a specialist qualification (FCS (SA) ORL (UCT) as an ENT and Head and Neck Surgeon with a fellowship at the College of Surgeons of South Africa.
Dr Troost has been in specialist private practice in Cape Town for the last 15 years furthering his education by attending numerous national and international training courses and congresses in the fields of Ear-Nose- and Throat, Head and Neck surgery.
Dr. Troost specializes in the medical and surgical management of Ear, nose and throat problems and further focuses on problems with snoring and sleep apnea (www.silentsleepclinic.co.za).
On a personal level Dr. Troost is an passionate breader of pure bred show Arabian horses (https://www.facebook.com/sadamarabianstud).
The contrasting combination of having been trained in the South African Special Forces with family roots on a Kalahari farm, a professor father in psychology, a teacher mother, travelling and experiencing the world, have all contributed to develop skills to recognise, create and maximise potential.
Exploring the unknown on his KTM motorcycle and Landrover Defender, enjoying good food and wine and music makes his life a colourfull and passionate journey.
With this attitude of determination and passion he does his job and lead his life.
Do you suffer ear, nose and throat problems.
Dr. Troost is a ENT specialist in medical and surgical management of ear, nose and throat problems. He also focuses on problems with snoring and sleep apnea